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Establishing a Moto-taxi Vocational Training Facility

Equipment and tools for the training program will be shipped to Honduras in a 40-ft. container (sea can) along with items required for other CPI projects. The sea can will be installed beside CPI’s main school in Santa Cruz de Yojoa and converted to an instructional facility for maintaining and repairing moto-taxis. In addition to a variety of small tools, the following equipment is needed to outfit the facility:


22-V cordless drill

4-ton hydraulic porta-power kit

4-1/2-in. angle grinder

Acetylene torch kit
Battery charger
Bench grinder

Body work repair kit
Deca mig welder 130 AC

Electric or air reciprocating saw c/w blades
Floor creeper

Floor jack
Jack stands
Metric bubble brake line flaring kit       
Metric tap and die set
Motorcycle repair stand
Parts washer
Rolling work bench
Service cart
Small piston ring compressor

Tire changer (8”-16”)
Tool box c/w drawers
Trouble light

Vacuum and pressure tester
Vacuum cleaner c/w attachments
Welding goggles
Welding helmet

To obtain more information about this project, donate any of these items, or contribute financially, please contact Harold Warkentin.


Harold Warkentin

Message sent.

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